Day: June 21, 2021

Digital Marketing

5 reasons why your business should be on Instagram

The secret of Instagram is that it is based on visual content. Our brain responds better to visual stimuli, that is why the image acquires more and more important in digital marketing. Instagram is a social network that is well managed from any Smartphone, a device that has become an extension of our hand. In addition, the audiences we are targeting tend more and more to consume content on this network. A compelling reason for brands to be clearer that Instagram is a social network in which they must be present. As experts in creating online content, we give you 5 reasons why you should open a company profile on Instagram. So it needs to know why your business should be on Instagram? Currently, it has more than 700 million registered users, 200 million of them from its “stories” function. Generates more “engagement”: Create an emotional bond with customers. A recommendation when using this application is that you create a specific color or design a special shadow so that Read More […]